Beautiful British Columbia: An OurBasement Playlist


Clear your schedules! This week’s playlist is a DOOZY! It’s 47 songs. It’s more than 2 and a half hours long! And it’s ALL B.C.!

Yes, following last week’s celebration of all that is Canada, we’re starting on a trip around the Great White North from coast to coast to coast. After today, the first playlist of each month will be dedicated to exposing all the music goods that each province has to offer. That will take us all the way to next July and Canada’s 150th birthday!

Today you’ll be hearing from dozens of bands both familiar and obscure. Some may sound familiar, but they’re not. Some you may have forgotten (Remember Brasstronaut? Choir Practice? The Organ?)

Hopefully you make some new musical discoveries. And if there’s anyone from B.C. you feel deserves some more attention, give them a shout in the comments.

Enjoy the music! And I won’t be at all offended if you don’t make it through the whole list…

(What do you think? Is this playlist too long? Is there too much rock? Not enough hip hop? Give me your feedback below.)